Luxurious Closures HD or Transparent to Enhance hair experience.LaMarie Closures$50.00PriceLace QualitySelectLace KindClosureColorSize ClosuresSelectLengthSelectTextureSelectQuantityAdd to CartSHIPPING INFOShipping can take 3-10 business days to allow product to you at the most. Usually ship out 3-4 days once order is ready. PRODUCT INFOLuxurious Closures HD or Transparent to enhance hair experience. DELIVERYDelivery takes 1-3 days upon request if located in St.Louis, MO. RETURNS & REFUND POLICYNo Refunds, Returns are accepted for exchange if unopened or no damage/used. PROCESSING Orders will be processed within 3-5 business days before shipping out the order.